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CÂY LƯƠNG THỰC. Xu hướng thảo luận nông nghiệp bền vững. Tương lai của nông nghiệp: Sinh học cây che phủ. Tình yêu của tôi ngày càng tăng về cây che phủ, bài viết của Eric Johnston đăng trên chuyên mục Trang trại yêu thích, thứ Sáu ngày 07 tháng 11 năm 2014. Tất cả bắt đầu khi Eric Johnston đã đến làm việc tại AgriEnergy như một nhà nông học gần một năm trước. Trong khi thăm hỏi khách hàng ở Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin Ohio, Eric đã được đánh thức một thế giới hoàn toàn mới. Một thế giới đầy cây che phủ được chứng minh là một phần yêu thích của Eric đối với nông trại và đó là  một lý do tốt. Nông trại của Eric trồng cây hàng năm gần với gia đình Tiskilwa, Illinois. Họ luôn mong muốn làm thế nào tốt nhất để gia tăng năng suất năm này qua năm khác. Những gì về bạn? Bạn có sử dụng cây che phủ? Chúng tôi muốn nghe về nó

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Eric Johnston
The future of Agriculture: Biologicals and cover crops

Eric Johnston


Farm Favorite Friday: 

My growing love for cover crops

It all started when Eric Johnston came to work at AgriEnergy Resources as an agronomist nearly a year ago. While visiting customers in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Ohio, Eric was awakened to a whole new world.

A world filled with cover crops, which is proving to be one of his favorite parts of farming. And for good reason.

He farms row crops alongside his family near Tiskilwa, Illinois and is always on the look out on how to best increase yield potential year after year.

Meet Eric:

Rolled Rye

“Yes I had read about them in ag magazines, but had never personally seen cover crops growing in fields or talked with the cutting edge producers who were implementing them into their farm systems. Heck one of our customers in Indiana had alternated Austrian winter peas and radishes in 30 inch rows. This year he was going to use RTK to plant corn in the middle of these rows. Another of our customers from Wisconsin planted some fields with cereal rye. He let the cereal rye get to 3-4 foot tall this spring and then no till planted soybeans into it (pictured to the right).

Then he used his roller crimper to knock down the rye. Notice the weed control – this field had no herbicide on it!! And we just got word that it yielded very well also.

Visiting our customer’s farms, talking with farmers, and of course reading about cover crop use has me hooked. I fell for them hard and there’s no looking back.

Johnston Cereal Rye

We drilled in cereal rye following the combine on some of our fields this fall. We also flew on (by helicopter) some oats and radishes into standing corn. All of the cover cropped fields are looking great so far and I cant help but get giddy when I drive by or walk these fields.

I don’t understand why more farmers aren’t trying to implement cover crops into their farming systems. To have living roots in the soil throughout the year can only do good things. These roots release root exudates in the form of carbon and sugar and are what feed the soil microbes and increase organic matter. They also protect against wind/water erosion, increase water infiltration, decrease compaction, increase aeration and scavenge nutrients as to avoid run-off in our water system. Talk about soil health!
The Johnston Boys

Another big reason I am falling in love with cover crops is I think they will decrease our herbicide usage on our farms and help us with weed control. Mother nature wants to cover every acre of bare dirt with something, so why not have it be a beneficial cover crop instead of a weed!! I feel that cover crops and biologicals are going to be the future of farming, and I hope to pass my knowledge onto my son, Cullen (pictured with his grandpa).

On our own family farm, we’re already discussing ways we can put cover crops and biological products from AgriEnergy Resources on more of our acres next year. We know it takes a little more work and planning, but the benefits far outweigh the work. As I drive by one of our green cover cropped fields, and then look at the neighbors bare field right next to it, my love for cover crops keeps growing. We need to be thinking about the health of our soil for not only now but for future generations as well.”

What about you? Do you use cover crops? We’d love to hear about it. And maybe even share your story in next week’s edition of Farm Favorite Friday.

Until next time, happy trails!

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iam pleased to see you , i make all equipments which needed for...
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Biologicals and cover crops

  1. Graph-Ex SA™ for Cover Crops - Advanced Biological ...ịch trang này
    Grow More. Graph-Ex SA™ for Cover Crops is your answer to increasing nitrogen levels in the soil with a legume crop, including peas, lentils, vetches and faba ...
  2. ABM 1st | Graph-Ex SA™ for Cover Crops FAQịch trang này
    Cover Crops have become a necessary step in the recycling and production of nitrogen and organic soil matter. The use of biologicals in accomplishing nitrogen ...
  3. Cover Crops and Soil Health - Monsanto's Corporate ...ịch trang này
    A cover crop is a crop planted primarily to manage soil fertility, soil quality, ... as a food source to various soil organisms and increases the biological activity.
  4. Webinar: Using Biological Additives In Crop Farming - No ...ịch trang này
    Are biologicals compatible with no-till, ridge-till and cover-crop systems? ... What are the long-term benefits of using biologicals to increase microbial activity in ...
  5. [PDF]Using Cover Crops for Weed Control - Colorado State ...ịch trang này
    Weed control in organic cropping ... Use cover crops as a strategy to outcompete ... Persistence is the key! Four weed control tools. Mechanical. Biological.
  6. Cover cropping - Soil and Plant Sustainable Biological ... › Biological FarmingDịch trang này
    18-09-2014 - Cover cropping. We can choose our cover crop based upon our goal for that field. If we are seeking to build organic matter, we might choose ...
  7. What is Biological Control? - Cornell Universityịch trang này
    Biological control is a component of an integrated pest management strategy. .... provided by refuges such as hedgerows, cover crops, and weedy borders.

From The Ground Up: Winter 2013 - Midwestern BioAgịch trang này
Long before the farm magazines' recent 'discovery' of biological farming concepts like cover crops, nutrients beyond NPK, and soil health, TomBeth Farms was ...

Cover crop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaịch trang này
Farmers choose to grow and manage specific cover crop types based on their own needs and goals, influenced by the biological, environmental, social, cultural, ...

Successful Transitioning to No-Till Corn-Soybean Rotation ...ịch trang này
practices (as C3 = crop rotation, conservation tillage and cover crops) have ... (3) Evaluate the temporal effects of no-till and cover crops on selected biological, ...

Biologicals from Bayer CropScience: Complementing ...
06-03-2014 - Tải lên bởi Bayer CropScience
We offer integrated crop solutions that include seeds, chemicals, biologicals, ... Big Cover Crop Radishes ...

Legume Specificity and NOD Factor - YouTube
25-02-2013 - Tải lên bởi ABM1st
... the science and the advantages of using crop biologicals. .... with Organic Winter Legume Cover Crops by ...

Nitrogen Fixation and Leghemoglobin - YouTube
20-02-2013 - Tải lên bởi ABM1st
The plant feeds the bacteria in order to carry out biological nitrogen fixation.... ... Crimson Clover Cover Crop ...

Discovering the Value of Compost - YouTube
14-02-2014 - Tải lên bởi Green Manitoba
A&L Biologicals is focused on the creation of sustainable cropping systems ... Raised Bed Cover Crops for ...

Farm FLIPPIN' - Regenerative Agriculture - YouTube
29-04-2011 - Tải lên bởi SustainableWorld
... We visit with Ian Davidson, Founder of BioLogic Systems. ... Cover Cropping with Martin Burger by ...

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